Nau mai, haere mai.
Welcome to

St Michael
and All Angels

We are a community of Jesus' disciples, known by the way we love each other and the people of Newlands-Paparārangi.
We'd love to meet you.

Upcoming events


  • A 'stretchy' family in which all are welcome, no matter what age or stage of life or belief you're at

  • Adventurers and experimenters who have lots of fun together...

  • while seeking to make our community a more loving and kind place to live

  • Explorers of why we're here, who this guy Jesus is and why that matters, and what our unique contribution is.

  • We're part of the Anglican tradition - which means a church that's placed right at the heart of the local community. We are the oldest public building in Newlands, opened in 1912.

In the past year we have...

  • planted trees

  • organised community clean ups

  • run our weekly Veggie Co-op

  • set up a community pataka

  • run the annual second-hand uniform sale

  • held church in the bush!

  • looked after social housing tenants

  • prayed a lot

  • enjoyed manaakitanga

  • learned more about who God is

What to expect as part of our whānau of faith?

There are lots of ways to connect at St Michael's. On a Sunday, you can come along to our 10am, family-friendly service of worship. Or you can join us for prayer on Wednesday morning at 9am. We have lots of fun together and share life in lots of other ways too.

If you're keen to explore more about who Jesus is, get in touch. We'd love to connect you with people and resources who can help you on your journey of faith. You might like to take an Alpha course (exploring Christianity) course, or connect for a yarn at PINTS (People in Newlands Talking Stuff). Or connect with a small group for study, worship, prayer and friendship.

We love to serve our community and you will find our whānau serving in various ways across the neighbourhood. We are the local hub for the Titahi Bay Vege Co-op . For just $15 a week you can sign up for a bag of fruit and vege, delivered to St Michael's for collection on Tuesdays between 3.30-6.30pm.

our people

Co-Priests in Charge
Rev Richard and Rev Rebecca Apperley

Bruce McLennan, Shirley McLennan, Jan Robertshawe, Dave Harper, Sarah Bate

Community Priest
Rev Hera Whitehead

Shirley McLennan (People's Warden)
Dave Harper (Vicar's Warden)

Worship at St Michael's

Sunday 10am, Parish Eucharist
Every Sunday we gather at 10am to celebrate where we have seen God at work in our lives during the week, and be refreshed for the week to come. This is a family-friendly, all-age service and everyone are welcome. We don't mind if you've been to church heaps, or if you are just wondering who this Jesus guy is anyway.
In our service of worship, you can expect music, prayer, words to say together, hearing from the Bible, a short talk, and Eucharist (Communion) in which we celebrate Jesus' life, death and resurrection through sharing bread and wine together.
Everyone is invited to morning tea in the hall following the service.
If you'd like to talk to someone about our worship services, or any other ways you can be involved in the life of St Michael's, please get in touch with Rebecca or Richard, our Co-Priests in Charge, at

Tikanga Māori Te Reo Service
We are delighted that Poneke Pastorate has a regular Tikanga Māori services at St Michael's, held in te reo. These take place on the fourth Sunday of the month at 11.30, and are open to everyone.

Sunday Sanctuary
Come along to Sunday Sanctuary for peace, reflection, creativity and refreshment. This is your space to come and hang out with Jesus at your own speed in our beautiful church space.
Whether you're wondering about spirituality, went to church in the past and are wondering what it's like now, or just find life hectic and want a quiet space to spend time in reflection, this is for you. You might be someone who's already leading in a church space and needs just to sit, worship Jesus and remember that you're loved.Services are usually held on the last Sunday of the month with the exception of March (held on 24 March) and December (held on 22 December), and will last about an hour.Check our calendar for the most up to date service times.

Prayer Rhythms
in Te Ahi Kā | The Lighthouse
Monday night prayer - 7pm
Join us in person, or on zoom. You can download the liturgy booklet here.
Wednesday morning prayer - 9am
Start the day in prayer for the people, places, and situations on our hearts.

First time to a service at St Michael's?

Coming along to a new church for the first time can be daunting, so here's what you can expect when you come along on a usual Sunday. If you're coming with younger people, we all worship and learn together. There's an interactive area down the front with comfy chairs, bean bags, crafts, books and toys for anyone who likes to have things to do while they take part, and so people can see what's going on. There are also separate chairs, and traditional pews.

We are very relaxed: in our service we have music (a variety of styles), we hear from the Bible, there's usually a talk of about 15 minutes, we pray together, and we share Eucharist (communion). Everyone is welcome at God's table, either to receive the bread and wine (non-alcoholic available too) or have a blessing. There are opportunities to be prayed for by the prayer team in another room if you would like. Our service starts at 10am and usually lasts for about 1 hr 15, with morning tea afterwards.

Wriggling, doubts and questions, participating as much or as little as you like: all these are great. Our hope is that you'll experience God moving in your life, and that we may be part of that journey with you.


You can listen to previous sermons here,
or subscribe to our podcast:


We'd love to hear from you! Send us a message using the form below, or email us at

Thank you

Thanks for your message - we'll get in touch with you as soon as we can.

What's this?

The Community Pātaka or share shelf is outside our gate. It's a resource for our community to share what we have and bless each other, and take what we need.

How does it work?

Feel free to help yourself to what you need, or take something to bless someone else. Sometimes we all need a little bit of help, or just a treat. Feel free to take what you need. We don't check everything that people donate, so if you are taking a food item please check the expiry date as we can't be responsible if you get sick.

Dropping something off?

Thank you so much! We accept:

  • Unexpired, unopened food items (nothing hot or pre-cooked that requires refrigeration please)

  • Other household items like toiletries and cleaning products

  • Baby care supplies

  • Garden produce - fruit, vegetables, seeds or seedlings

  • Books and puzzles

  • Crafty, creative things that you've made that you might like to share

St Michael's partners with the Titahi Bay Fruit & Vege Co-op, to bring affordably priced fruit and vegetables to our community. Just $15 a week sees bag of fresh fruit and vegetables delivered to St Michael's, ready for you to collect from our volunteer crew, 3.30pm-6pm each Tuesday.Order by Wednesday 5pm for collection the following Tuesday. You can order one or more packs at a time, and there's no need to order every week. To join email your details (name, phone number, number of packs, collection centre: Newlands) to
Join the Titahi Bay Fruit and Vegetable Co-op Facebook Group to find out what's coming in this week's packs and to get recipes and weekly meal plans based on the week's veges. Pack contents are usually advised on Fridays, once orders are placed with the growers. So you can do your shopping over the weekend, knowing what's coming in Tuesday's pack.
We'd love to grow our team (pun intended) of fruit and veggie lovers to help on Tuesdays with distributing packs. If you're keen to help, please let us know at

Vision and Values

Download a PDF copy of our vision document by clicking here.Our vision has three streams: Up, In and Out. These are not distinct areas, but weave together with our values. They are modelled on the way that Jesus lived his life.

This Vision Statement builds both on the strengths we identified during the Vision Series, and our areas of weakness, as well as the points that represent the most common desire for change.

How did we get here?

Over 6 weeks in April and May 2022 we met each Sunday as a parish family within our services to listen to each other and to God about where we as a church might be being called.It was so good to be able to meet together, combining our dreams with worship, and sharing ideas around tables in the hall. We used the Mission Action Plan (MAP) process available within our Diocese, adapted to our context.The 6 themes we explored were:

  • Valuing the Past: Imagining the Future - thanksgiving for past highlights, and exploring the broader purpose of why the church exists

  • Looking at our Community - exploring what Jesus would see and do if he came to Newlands, and seeing whether the make-up of our congregation reflects our local community using census records and other types of data

  • God’s Resources and Ours - looking at how we are wired with different skills and talents, passions and resources

  • Growth - reflecting on past patterns of growth and decline and what these might tell us, alongside known symptoms of both declining and healthy churches.

  • God’s World - exploring local and global needs and how we might respond

  • Right Relationships - exploring discipling relationships and feeding back the results of the spiritual health survey we did anonymously in Week 1

Each Sunday included prayer, worship, teaching, discussion, and Eucharist. Each table group was asked to complete one or more posters based on the theme for each Sunday. By doing this journey together, we were able to hear from one another and find common themes, and hopefully through this process hear more clearly what God’s priorities for us are.After each Sunday gathering our church administrator, Rachel Fitzpatrick, collated all of the responses in a spreadsheet and began identifying some common themes. Reverends Richard and Rebecca Apperley then spent time with this data, prayerfully considering what had been said, what hadn’t been said, and being attentive to what God was calling us to do. This information often shaped discussions for the following Sunday where a theme needed to be unpacked more fully. Every fortnight this information was also discussed with both wardens - Paul Stone and Sue Corbett.At the culmination of the vision series a steering committee was formed, consisting of Reverends Rebecca and Richard Apperley, Reverend Hera Whitehead, Paul Stone, Sue Corbett, and Rachel Fitzpatrick. Once they had been provided with all of the information gathered and had time to digest it we met and spent time drawing out the key themes and concepts. From this distilled information Revs Richard and Rebecca drew up this document in consultation with the steering committee and Vestry.Our updated vision, values, and strategic roadmap were approved for adoption by Vestry on Tuesday 12 July 2022.Please continue to pray for boldness for us all to live into the adventure and challenge of being God’s people here in this place and time.

Strategic Roadmap

The roadmap below will be used to guide our decision-making as a parish. It is intended to be responsive to the move of the Spirit and the external circumstances that may affect our community and locality. Our growth is not measured by increase in numbers; rather we aim to slowly deepen our journey as disciples of Jesus and by doing so, growth of those coming to know Jesus and becoming part of our church community will be a natural outcome. We also acknowledge that this document may feel overwhelming. We will not attempt to achieve everything at once, but the Parish Leadership Team will continue to discern what the current priorities are and monitor progress.

Sacred Spaces, Safe People

We are committed to being a safe church. As followers of Jesus, we believe that every person is made in God’s image.
We want to create spaces where everyone knows they will be safe, especially from abuse of any kind.
You can hear more about how our Diocese aims to be a safe church in the video below.

Do you need help?

If you suspect abuse, or someone tells you about abuse, firstly listen, and secondly, know who to call.

Firstly, if any person is in immediate danger to life, emergency services should be called on 111.

Ask for the person's permission, and take that information to the Vicar / Ministry Unit Leader or Diocesan Safety Team (see below).

If the person does not give you permission, you must still ring the Diocesan Safety Team to ask for advice without naming the person. They know what to do and will be able to guide you.

If your concern relates to the Vicar / Leader, call the Diocesan Safety Team. They are available at all times to give advice and assistance.

If you are experiencing abuse, here are some things you can do.

If you are in immediate danger, please call the emergency services on 111.

If there’s someone you trust, contact them, and ask for their help to get you help

Contact the Diocesan Safety Team (see below)

Contact the Anglican Province who have a dedicated team who can receive complaints and reports of abuse from within the Anglican Church. Their email is

More information can be found on the Anglican Church website

Call the Victims Information Line on 0800 650 654

Contacting the Diocesan Safety Team

The team is led by Rev. Jean Malcolm and Roger Wigglesworth.
Contact or
Contact Jean at or 021 294 2122
Contact Roger at or 021 541 618

Finding more information

Mopre information, including videos produced by the Diocesan Safety Team, and downloadable safety documents, can be found on the Anglican Movement website by clicking here.

Parish portal

Please note that some of the services below will require a login. Please contact Richard if you need assistance.

Our Alpha course will unfortunately not be going ahead as we did not have enough people register to make it viable.If you are interested in connecting with us then please get in touch - we're looking at other options to help as people explore faith. Email us at

Thy kingdom come

Join us for night prayer - either in person, or online on Zoom if you're not able join in person. We're praying every night during Thy Kingdom Come - a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus. Thy Kingdom Come lasts from Ascension (Thursday 9 May) through to Pentecost (Sunday 19 May). All welcome! Join the Zoom Meeting by clicking hereOn Thursday 9 May we'll be joining a 50-minute online guided session to listen for God to show you five people to pray for and creative exercises to use yourself (or with your prayer group) to grow in hearing what God's heart is for these five. You can either join us at church for this, or online by clicking here.Resources for our prayer meetings:
Liturgy booklet
Diocesan 'Thy Kingdom Come' booklet
Check out the Anglican Movement Thy Kingdom Come page for more inspiration, daily emails, youth resources etc.

Lent groups 2025

During Lent this year we are offering two options for small group study - our regular small groups will pause until after Easter. Please let us know which you’d like to attend by Monday 3 March by emailing us at

The Blessings course

Monday 7.30-9pm
starting Monday 10 March
In this course we’ll learn from Roy Godwin and the ministry at Ffald y Brenin, a Christian retreat centre and house of prayer in Wales.This practical course is deeply rooted in scripture, and over six weeks we’ll understand more of the goodness of God, what it means to be blessed people, why we are called to bless others, and how to bless people, land, and places.By the end you should expect to be more confident in your personal relationship with the Lord; enjoying the experience of his blessing on your life; and effective at blessings others through words as well as deeds.

Restoring the story

Tuesday 7.30-9pm
starting Tuesday 11 March
This year’s Diocesan Lent Study is written by the Bishop-to-be of Dunedin, the Rev Dr Anne van Gend. It explores how we think about atonement - just why Jesus died for us - and the different ways that this is good news for today’ world.Anne’s study uses the theme of story - and follows through two ‘streams’ to help us see atonement through literature, using the Narnia or Harry Potter series.A great course if you want to dig deeper into concepts that are crucial to how we explain our faith to others.